Art History Notes

Art History - background notes for teachers and students

Art history is an important element of the art education of students because it explains why artists do what they do. Here you’ll find biographies of many famous artists, e.g. Picasso and Frida Kahlo and brief histories of many art movements such as Fauvism, Post Impressionism and Expressionism, amongst others.

The following art histories will be relevant to students, particularly those studying GCSE and ‘A Level’ Art courses. Teachers teaching art in primary / elementary schools will find the information useful as background knowledge when teaching art. Art lessons have never been such fun.

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For more detailed biographies of the famous artists featured on this page, checkout my new art history website:

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Great Painters

Art teachers click each famous artist for their outline biography. You’ll also get a number of images of their most famous paintings. Some artists also have links to How to Draw videos that relate to the artist’s work or videos of their life stories, these will bring the artists to life. All art tutorials are suitable for use in art lessons in school.

New to teaching Art or combining art history into your art lesson? The following articles might be useful:

Art Movements

Art history knowledge enhances art teaching because it brings art to life. Art teachers will find lots of interesting stuff about art movements, their aims, achievements and how they influenced art history in general. Typical paintings from the art movements are also provided.

Some children feel apprehensive in art lessons because they feel they haven’t the ability. Prove them wrong with great tips from these articles.

Interested in Hints and tips about Art. Check out my Art Blog on my PaulPriestleyArt website