Tag: Art in School

Paul Cezanne – The Red Waistcoat
Why Art?
Art is very much like life it can be wonderful, frustrating, beautiful or ugly, uplifting and challenging. Is art simply what artists produce?  Or is there more to it? What about Creativity? Inspiration and Virtuosity? Art, intrinsically, is worth nothing, but can sell for millions and why do we fill galleries full of art for thousands of people to look at and enjoy? Art is fascinating because it is created by humans. Art in school is vital.
The Reluctant Artist
So many times in an art lesson a child will exclaim, ‘I can’t draw’. How does the art teacher combat such a claim? It often arises from a lack of confidence on the part of the child, so this is what has to be addressed. Children have to understand that what they draw, paint and create is unique to them. Encourage them to feel proud of their own achievements. Point out that art is not a competition, its about an individual response to the world.

Artists are individuals, they don’t copy others work and styles they seek a personal expression. We ‘buy’ into an artist’s individual work. No one will value the work of an artist copying a Van Gogh when you can see the real thing.

art education and good teaching


Art Education’s Battle to stay Relevant I have been involved in art education in schools for years before leaving and setting up my own art business. Initially, I provided schools with art workshops, but I now concentrate of producing Art History and Drawing Tutorials on YouTube. A few ... Read More
03 Jul 2019Paul Priestley
Drawing ideas - drawing with a stick


Drawing Ideas for Older ChildrenArt teachers why not give these ideas a try. Art lessons are always exciting and stimulating. What is Successful Drawing? Successful drawing is essentially about confidence, perseverance and developing drawing skills. All of which are greatly influenced by a student’s attitude to what you produce. I taught ... Read More
02 Jul 2019Paul Priestley


Learning to DrawDuring my time as an art teacher and when I ran my own company providing art workshops in school, the phrase I came across in every classroom I visited was, ‘I can’t draw’. After the phrase was uttered, the child would often produce little, or draw with ... Read More
22 Sep 2017Paul Priestley
draw bottles creatively


Your Kids can produce Creative Drawings Drawing is the fundamental basis of all art forms including painting. Drawing an object lets us understand it, and learn about it’s structure. We can understand how light falls upon it and plays tricks with our perception. Picasso once said, ‘ I do ... Read More
03 Feb 2017Paul Priestley
Painting Picasso faces


Why use Picasso in your Art Lesson? Pablo Picasso was like a bull, very strong willed, always looking for new challenges and never satisfied with his achievements. He had an insatiable appetite for creating new ideas and for loving the many women in his life. At the age of ... Read More
29 Dec 2016Paul Priestley
Year 8 girls painting Van Gogh


Why use Van Gogh in Art Lessons? Vincent Van Gogh is a brilliant artist to inspire children in primary school. A classic example of the starving artist struggling for recognition. Yet despite his tragic life, he never gave up in his quest to become a great painter, despite selling one ... Read More
29 Dec 2016Paul Priestley
Teachers on INSET courses


Hints and Tips for New Primary Art CoordinatorsMy Background Having taught in secondary schools for many years before setting up my own art business, I have learnt a great deal about teaching art to children. Now my art business takes me into many primary schools where I meet a lot ... Read More
01 Aug 2016Paul Priestley